Apportis Blog

Stressed? Try Meditation …

We’re always looking for new ways to deal with stress. In today’s day and age, there seems to be thousands of methods we’re supposed to use to limit our stress. The amount of options we have is simply overwhelming, and the choices we’re presented with range in...

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What is pasteurization? …

All I knew (before writing this) about pasteurization was that it makes milk safer to drink, and that the French don’t pasteurize their cheese. I was curious about what pasteurization actually meant, so I did some research! I think knowing about processes so important...

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Recipe: Open-Face Eggplant Parmesan Sandwiches …

Open-Face Eggplant Parmesan Sandwiches Prep time: 15 minutes Total time: 55 minutes Serving size: 2 Ingredients ½ teaspoon olive oil 2 egg whites, divided, lightly beaten ½ cup panko breadcrumbs, divided 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese, divided ¼ teaspoon ground...

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Bullet Journals: Organization for Pros …

So you still have a few months until you can go on your summer vacation, and you're hitting a bit of a lull. You want to be productive, but you need to shake somethings up. Can I tempt you with...a bullet journal? A bullet journal is like a fancy, completely...

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What is homeopathy?

There are certain words that I don’t know what they mean, but I’ve heard them so much that I feel like I know what they mean and I absolutely don’t! That’s the case with homeopathy, the topic of this “What Is” blog. I thought that homeopathy just meant the use of...

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Recipe: Chocolate Chip Mug Cake …

Chocolate Chip Mug Cake (For when you just need one cookie.) Prep Time: 4 minutes Cook Time: 1 minute Servings: 1 Ingredients 4 tbsp all purpose flour 2 tbsp brown sugar, lightly packed ¼ tsp baking powder 3 tbsp low fat milk ⅛ tsp vanilla ½ tbsp vegetable oil 2 tbsp...

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Ted Talk Tuesday: Disconnected Brains

Today's Tuesday Ted Talk is called "Disconnected Brains: How Isolation Fuels Opioid Addiction," by Rachel Wurzman. This talk gives really interesting insight to the factors that help to create and sustain addiction. Watch the talk here.

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How to Manage Stress

As I write this, I am stressed out! I'm a college student, but I'm also an intern, an employee, a fellow, etc. I have so much stuff to do that I feel like if I wrote it all down the list would go all the way from the desk where I'm typing, out the door, and down the...

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Recipe: Zucchini Pizza Bites …

Zucchini Pizza Bites Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Servings: 6 Calories: 145 Ingredients 2 large zucchini ½ cup low carb pizza or tomato sauce 1 teaspoon oregano 2 cups mozzarella cheese ¼ cup parmesan cheese pizza toppings as desired Instructions...

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Are ‘cleanses’ good for you? …

By now, you’ve probably heard of the detox/cleanse trend. Generally, a cleanse is when a person severely limits their diets with the goal of ‘resetting’ their body by flushing out unwanted toxins that have built up from eating an unhealthy or in some way...

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What is a ‘superfood?’

If you’re trying to get into wellness, you’ve probably heard the term ‘superfood.’ Personally, I expect anything that has the word ‘super’ in it to wear a cape and go around town solving crimes. On the offset, it’s important to know that ‘superfood’ isn’t a scientific...

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Apportis, Data Modeling and Smarter Healthcare …

Apportis Founder, Philip Payne speaks with Futurety on a Webinar titled: Using Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics to Power Smarter Healthcare The healthcare market is trending to reach an expenditure upwards of $32 billion by 2022. Big Data continues to be at the...

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How are your New Year’s resolutions going? …

We’re 9 days in, folks. How are your resolutions going? Did you make them? Are you doing them? According to this Forbes article, only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions successfully do them. (It’s a slower drop off than you’d think, though—at six months,...

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Your introduction to the opioid crisis …

What is an opioid? According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®),...

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What is yoga? …

A brief history, and health benefits I’m going to be honest with you...I didn’t really think yoga was a hard exercise until very recently. I remember talking to a friend a while back. I asked her if she wanted to go on a run later that day, and she said no thanks—she...

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Our Opioid Solution Garners Further Press

At the Apportis office in Dublin, Ohio we are thrilled to be getting so much press on our solution that was one of the winners of the Third Frontier's Ohio Opioid Tech Challenge. Our solution is about connecting those in need to those that can support their journey to...

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What is Gluten? …

Like so many of the blog posts I write, I’m writing this not because I don’t think you know what gluten is, but because I know I don’t know what gluten is. All I know—or knew, before doing a little research—was that most bread and pasta have gluten, and that “gf” does...

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What is Meatless Monday? (And, Should I Do It?) …

By now, you’ve probably heard that the meat industry is bad for our planet. There’s a lot about the environment that feels out of our hands—we are constantly surrounded by bad news, and it’s difficult to figure out what we can do to help. In all this uproar, you’ve...

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What is a good fat? …

It seems that Americans are obsessed with fats. You could even say that since 1976, Americans have been afraid of them.   In the 70s, the United States Senate became concerned when several of its members dropped dead from heart attacks. These deaths led the...

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What is Wellness? …

Good morning, and welcome to the new “What is…?” series on the Apportis blog! Every Monday, I’ll post a quick and easy to read informational article about an important topic in healthcare. Today’s topic is....(drumroll please)...wellness!   The Merriam-Webster...

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Day by Day: The Philosophy of a Road Trip …

Three thousand, five hundred miles. That’s roughly how far it is from Columbus, Ohio, to the Grand Canyon National Park and back. It’s a daunting distance. When I told my parents that I was planning on going on a road trip with two of my friends, they were excited for...

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Journal Entry 7 – Momentum and the Mountain. …

 It looks too big to tackle, but just start climbing and see what happens Momentum First point of business is to apologize for the long delay in posting. Apportis is going through some major growth and I have been focusing on everything else, leaving little time for...

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City of Columbus Suing President Trump Over ACA …

The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, is a source of tension between the Democrat and Republican parties. While the GOP has tried to repeal the ACA, it remains in place. The city of Columbus is suing on the grounds that President Trump and his...

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You Really Need to Relax …

I just got back from vacation. It was great, don’t get me wrong. But after a week or two of sitting around, having nothing pressing to do...I was ready to have something to do. This morning, I woke up ready to work.   Vacations are great because you get to...

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Let’s Have A Chat About BMI …

BMI might seem like just another number attached to your health. Your BMI, or body mass index, is found by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters. It gives you more information than your weight alone, because it puts your weight in context of how...

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Putting Your Heart Into Your Habits …

How’s your New Year’s resolution going? I was talking to my friend the other day about how I had gone on a run for the first time in months, and how sore I was because of it. She told me that she had made a New Year’s resolution to work out twice a week, and, although...

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Good News for (Dark) Chocolate Lovers …

If you haven’t heard by now, you’re in for a treat: dark chocolate is jam-packed with health benefits, giving us all an excuse to indulge. Before you go to the grocery store to buy some, we thought we’d give you the dish. 😉   The difference between dark and milk...

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Books to Read Poolside This Summer

Or ocean-side, or hot get the idea.   A list of 15 book recommendations from Harper’s Bazaar here.   A list of 73 books from the NYTimes, broken into categories by genre here.   Going on a roadtrip with the kids in tow? Click here for...

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The 4 W’s of Sunscreen …

It’s summer time! At the risk of sounding like your mother, we’re here to remind you of the importance of wearing sunscreen. We know you know it’s important, but let’s be honest—how much SPF are you wearing as you read this? If you’re a sunscreen expert, you can skip...

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5 Ways You Can Make Yourself Accountable

Change is hard to do, and change in your lifestyle—especially when it pertains to exercise and eating well—are huge. Teaching yourself “new tricks,” if you will, is no mean feat. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Making yourself accountable is a...

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Pin Your Way To…Running Every Day? …

Were you one of those kids who made collages out of cut up magazines? Even if you weren’t, you should check out Pinterest. Pinterest is an app that you can download on your phone that lets you make “boards” out of nearly anything. These boards act as folders, if you...

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Journal Entry 6 – Laissez les bon temps rouler! …

My family has had a four-day vacation planned to New Orleans for months now.  Possibly the worst timing to start a new diet and wellness routine when you go to a city known for incredible food! I tried my best to not eat everything in sight, limit my beignet (French...

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Journal Entry 4: Reflections on D-Day …

Today I started my journey to a healthier version of me. I video chatted with my coach, Katy Tombaugh from the Wellness Collective as we outlined a basic plan for me to start with. Can’t undue 12 years of neglect in a weekend, this is going to take a while. The...

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Journal Entry 3: The “Perfect” Time To Start

I am sure like most everyone that takes on a fitness or diet regime, you wait until the perfect time to start. Certainly can’t start on a Thursday, who ever heard of anything starting on a Thursday?!I planned that my big adventure would start on a Monday - yesterday...

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Journal Entry 2: Life Interrupts. …

Once upon a time I used to be athletic and pretty darn strong. My wife and I were that couple that got up at 5 am to get a workout in 3 days a week for years and years. Even before that I was a college wrestler (a looong time ago), so being in a weight room was part...

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Don’t Take My Word For It …

Telehealth is the ability to communicate virtually with your patients or client base.  It is a word that is used to a broad spectrum of services:  telemedicine, teletherapy, telepsychiatry, telenutrition, and so on....Telehealth is not just pigeon-holed for the...

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State of Ohio – Telemedicine Bill …

I wanted to let you know we have been notified this week that House Bill (HB 546) has been introduced to the House to discuss and approve Telemedicine services in the State of Ohio. The Bill has been introduced by Representative Patton with Cosponsors: Representatives...

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Season changes …

Now that the weather is in the ranges of a balmy 50'F - 60'F this week, it is time to check our stores of allergy "repellents" and, yes, I write this in the same sentence, plan to get out and enjoy the outdoors. As the flowers, grasses and trees all start their...

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Skin check – imperative!

I am a person with a lot of moles.  Having grown up around the Equator during the 1970's and 1980's I have always been sun-conscious and certainly conscious about my skin.  After my first wife - Mitsy - passed away in March 2015 from Melanoma Cancer, this...

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Re-Energize …

I am sure we can all admit at times we sit in the stillness of our abodes and think about the "highs and lows" from the day and how we reacted.   This is a good skill for progress and self-analysis. Nowadays the realm of work and/or the workplace is an anxious arena...

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Life is too short …

I stumbled across an inspirational speaker in Inky Johnson, a former TN University Football Player, who suffered a tragic injury in his senior year. I am not a follower of specific speakers in the game of football.  I do follow my Faith, however.  And Inky's testimony...

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A New Paradigm in Health Insurance? …

When Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway decide to create a new company that will be the health insurance provider for their respective companies, Wall Street sits up. The premise is to offer a full-fledged Health Insurance program to their employees, yet...

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Wellness Summit 2018

Tomorrow - Thursday, January 25, 2018 - is the first Wellness Workplace Summit to be held by our partner:  The Wellness Collective. The Wellness Summit 2018 This is a one-day conference on how to create a thriving, high-performance culture by focusing on health and...

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HAPPY New Year …

Now that we have all entered in to the new year, some of us may have set up new goals and aspirations.  I have mine and they take the form of both private and professional goals. However, whether your aspirations and goals are hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or...

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Friendly network …

No matter the business relationship or the personal relationship we must all be aware that we are all working together, not so that one gets ahead of the rest, but that we can push each other on to greatness and success. Be sure to give, be real, complimentary, and...

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I want’ never gets …

Manners and politeness have always been instilled in me.  From my parents, from life, my Scottish heritage and from my days at Boarding School.  It is enough to make my skin crawl nowadays when I see or hear anything to the contrary to good manners and politeness. The...

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Telemedicine, it is just the tonic …

Mary Poppins' songs can sometimes still echo in the ears of many my age - Gen X'ers...cough, cough - singing about a spoonful of sugar making the medicine going down.  I pose this question, tongue-in-cheek:  Was Mary Poppins the beginning of Telemedicine?   The...

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Coordinated efforts with APPORTIS …

Hello Reader, It is our aim at APPORTIS to bring a coordinated effort for our customers to give THEIR customers a smooth journey.  This article investigates this and reaffirms our commitment to you, our customer.  We want to be your single destination for service....

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Sugar – A Sweet Poison …

In most parts of the world, sugar is a vital part of the human diet, making food more palatable and providing food energy. After cereals and vegetable oils, sugar derived from sugar cane and beet provide more kilocalories. According to the FAO, an average of 24...

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Gluten Intolerance and Eczema …

Eczema: Eczema is an itchy, scaly skin rash, most commonly occurs in children and also occurs in adults. When you have eczema, you develop red patches, cracked skin that sometimes weeps clear fluid. The treatment of eczema starts by using corticosteroids topically...

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90 South High St, Suite C
Dublin, OH 43017
(855) 438-6693

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Monday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Weekends: Appointment Only
Holidays: Closed

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