Once upon a time I used to be athletic and pretty darn strong. My wife and I were that couple that got up at 5 am to get a workout in 3 days a week for years and years. Even before that I was a college wrestler (a looong time ago), so being in a weight room was part of my makeup.
Then we had a beautiful little girl, born nearly 12 years ago and that was the end of organized training. We sputtered here and there trying to get a flow going again but to no avail, life always interrupts.
I don’t regret it at all of course, I adore being a father to a wonderful girl whom I love with all my heart.
It just seems the train can really come off the rails in 12 years…
Why am I embarking on this journey, and telling the world about my struggles? My hope for anyone who does read this is that they realize the Apportis Health and Wellness platform was created from this need to produce real change in users (me!)
Do I want to look better – that is a minor part of this, yes – but it is really about my daughter.
My blood pressure is up.
My heartrate is too high.
My Body Mass Index is bad — really bad.
I want to live to see her graduate from College, find out where her talents lead, and to dance at her wedding (in that order, daughter!) I am staring at a long ramp ahead and at this rate, I won’t make it to the mile markers I laid out.
I am going to make some serious changes.