This Spring term I had the opportunity to participate as a Wellness Coach for the Student Affairs in Higher Education...
Wellness Wheel Articles
Wright State University Wellness Coach: Take Charge of Your Life
The experience I had as a Wellness Coach in my final semester was insightful and fulfilling. I feel that I learned a...
Wright State University Wellness Coach: Seeing New Perspectives
When it comes to health and wellness of college students, I feel like this year was an all-time low. The stress and...
Wight State University Wellness Coach: Financial Wellness Brings Relief
Last fall, I volunteered to be a coach for our inaugural “Wellness Wednesday” program, and that came with many...
Wright State University Wellness Coach: A New Outlook on Isolation
Throughout my time at WSU, I’ve had many meaningful experiences, but I will admit that the Wellness program is marked...
Wright State University Wellness Coach: Apportis is a Path to Comfort
When the pandemic first began, I felt like I could take on the world and I started to work on aspects of my life that...