Apologies for taking longer than a week to update you on how my journey is going after it’s critical first week.
I would like to report that it’s been easier than expected.
Here are the numbers:
Starting weight on 4/27: 317 lbs – it really sucks having to actually type that number.
Weight as of 5/7: 310 lbs.
I actually have been holding steady at 310 since last Thursday, yup I lost 7 lbs in one week. So what did we do as a family on Friday night… we went out and celebrated and had a cheat dinner. I am convinced that this cheat dinner has held me back from losing any weight right now.
It started last Tuesday as me and my family watched a cooking show we like. On it, the chef made corned beef. For some reason I cannot fathom, I became fixated on having a corned beef sandwich.
“Friday night” I announced, “we are having dinner at Katzinger’s Deli” I pulled the dieting Dad trump card.
For those outside of Columbus, Ohio, Katzinger’s Deli is the next best thing to a New York Deli, truly a culinary landmark in the city.
I have no idea why that sandwich got lodged in my frontal cortex, going from piqued interest to full on raging obsession in a matter of a few hours.
Katzingers is that good.
Since Friday night I have dutifully stuck to the diet my coach outlined. I know I ‘feel’ lighter even though the damn dial on the scale isn’t budging. On a side note, me and the scale are going to have some words out back after all of this is said and done. Picture the scene from Office Space as they take the company printer out into a field and gleefully smash it to kingdom come… just like that to the scale, only a bit more primeval.
Sorry, got sidetracked there… ah yes, having a ‘celebration’ upon hitting a minor weight loss goal wherein I go stuff my face with all the foods not on the plan sounds like the old me. Damn, only made a week before I sabotaged myself. However, I am confident of the long-game here. This little plateau won’t last, the weight will come off rapidly if I continue to adhere to the plan.
Then I realize that this Thursday me and the family are going away for a long weekend to New Orleans.
Of all the places… New Orleans!! Okay, my revised goal is to come back from NOLA still weighing 310 lbs. Means I need to lose 10lbs from now till Friday morning so my cheats only adds back those 10.
I am in a pickle.
Speaking of Pickle, here is the link to Katzinger’s Delicatessen: http://www.katzingers.com/
… now I am hungry again.