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Farmer Mental Health

Farmer Mental Health

Farmers are the unsung heroes of the world. They work tirelessly to provide fresh and healthy produce and other sustainable food sources for the masses, and yet very seldom get the credit they deserve. According to ADAMA, which is a website dedicated to farmers...

How Apportis Is Filling the Need for Tele-Case Management

How Apportis Is Filling the Need for Tele-Case Management

In order to discuss the merits of tele-case management, a basic understanding of what case management is must be achieved. As defined by the Commission for Case Management Certification, “Case management is a collaborative process that assesses, plans, implements,...

Tele-Behavioral Health Needs are Universal

Tele-Behavioral Health Needs are Universal

Tele-behavioral health has become a common tool that can be employed by anyone. At Apportis, we are continuously working with agencies and organizations to help connect tele-behavioral health services with those in need.

National Drugged and Drunk Driving Prevention Month …

We've all heard the slogan "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over," but do any of us stop to reflect on this public safety campaign? According to the National Highway Safety Transit Authority (NHTSA), drunk-driving crashes claim more than 10,000 lives per year — that's one...

Giving Thanks During Thanksgiving

We all know that 2020 hasn't necessarily been the start to the roaring 20's that many of us imagined. It has been an infamous year many would like to forget. While there are many things to be spiteful about, we must approach this Thanksgiving as a time of reflection...