We’ve all heard the slogan “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” but do any of us stop to reflect on this public safety campaign? According to the National Highway Safety Transit Authority (NHTSA), drunk-driving crashes claim more than 10,000 lives per year — that’s one person every 50 minutes. This astounding statistic is compounded by the fact that every year, traffic-related deaths spike between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. This timeframe is described by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals as “one of the deadliest and most dangerous times on America’s roadways due to an increase in impaired driving.” Consequently, the federal government has designated December as National Drunk Driving Prevention Month. This is to remember the lives lost as a result of those driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and to acknowledge the pain and suffering caused by impaired driving.
How to Observe National Drugged and Drunk Driving Prevention Month:
- Do a sober period – During December, try to challenge yourself and set a period of time without drinking alcohol.
- Take a cab or ride-sharing app after a party – “Who’s got the Uber?” . . . (YOU)
- Be a designated driver – This selfless act is sure to impress the in-laws!
- For more information about impaired driving please visit: https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving