Gluten Intolerance and Eczema …

Eczema is an itchy, scaly skin rash, most commonly occurs in children and also occurs in adults. When you have eczema, you develop red patches, cracked skin that sometimes weeps clear fluid.
The treatment of eczema starts by using corticosteroids topically then can progress corticosteroids taken orally in case if creams fail to curb the inflammation and itching inherent in skin condition.

Gluten intolerance:
Gluten intolerance or sensitivity is a condition that causes a person to react after ingesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.
Gluten intolerance is a feature of a number of diseases, including those involving gastrointestinal clearly as celiac disease and others without a clear link like eczema.

How they are related to each other:
Gluten found in certain grains (like wheat, rye, oats and barley). It is a composite protein (made up of glutenin and gliadin) and gives elasticity and chewy texture to the grains. Everyone cannot digest completely this protein and the partial digestion can cause intestinal mucosal damage. So gluten sensitivity can cause widespread body inflammation and leaky gut syndrome.
Gluten intolerance is a feature of a number of diseases, including those involving gastrointestinal clearly as celiac disease and others without a clear link like eczema. Sensitivity to this grain protein can cause diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, pain in the bones and joints and muscle pain. Gluten sensitivity may also occur due to regular usage of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

Studies show that there is a genetic link between eczema celiac disease and this connection involves sensitivity to gluten. When the researchers compared the prevalence of eczema in people with celiac disease in the general population, the results show that eczema is three times more common in people with celiac disease than the rest of the population. They also found that celiac disease occurs more frequently about 2 times in healthy relatives of patients with celiac disease.
Gluten sensitivity should still be suspected in eczema when tests of sufferer negative to a gluten allergy or celiac disease. The reason is that most people with eczema have a different degree of gluten sensitivity. For example, some patients suffering eczema get total relief from gluten-free, some experience only fewer symptoms with gluten free diet & some get better by simply reducing their gluten-containing food.

Although eczema may not fully develop from regular gluten-containing food products and grains consumption, an eczema-like condition may occur from the leaky gut syndrome associated with improper immune reaction to gliadin and skin disease. Gluten consumption cause dermatitis herpetiformis appears as an eczema-like rash. In eczema, the negative effect of gluten antibodies in the skin is due to this rash. Most common in people with celiac disease and responds to a gluten free diet.

The researchers identified that the root cause of a number of diseases (like itching and psoriasis to vitiligo and eczema) is gluten intolerance. Dermatologists should be aware of an influence of diet to skin health and gut damage. The doctors use a number of serological tests including screening for anti-gliadin antibodies in the patient’s sera for the diagnoses of skin diseases caused by gluten intolerance. Where these tests are inadequate/ inconclusive the intestine physical examination is recommended to fully diagnose gluten intolerance and celiac disease. At the end researchers for the treatment of these skin diseases recommends adoption of a gluten-free diet.