Be Here Now Sticking to Apportis’ Company Values In Unprecedented Times

Written by Eric Ulchakere

May 20, 2020

Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation across the world. The global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of our communities, loved ones, businesses, and how we typically operate. At Apportis we stand firm in believing and bringing to action a set of core values to not only demonstrate from a 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday job. But in all of our lives, even during the hard times that we face. It is important to remember during these unexpected and trying circumstances, to “Be Here Now”. If somebody were to tell you: “Be Here Now!”, how would you respond? What does that mean?

This isn’t me asking this question in a “mindfulness meditation” kind of way. Though, mindfulness is a great way to slow down your constant thoughts and pay more intimate attention to what’s going on in the world around you. For anyone who uses their phone as their personal assistant for completing tasks such as scheduling a meeting with your family doctor, to capturing everything from delicious desserts, to indescribable sunsets as your own “professional” photographer. It’s important to put that thing down from time to time and enjoy the moment! Now that doesn’t mean that at Apportis we discourage the use of our mobile devices. I personally believe that this meaning replicates a common phrase from a book, with a similar title to our core value, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass.

Be here in the present moment; NOW, this moment, is all you have and all you´ve ever had.”

Through our experiences at Apportis we can apply, “Be Here Now” to the current time and situation that we are living in . We will demonstrate this by evaluating the path our company has taken to get to where we are now and to align our solutions with immediacy to the problems stemmed from this pandemic. We believe these values will be what keep us focused and get our team, and our partners through this trying time.Be-Here-Now-1


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