Keep a Blue Head …

Apportis: We’re Keeping Calm & Having Our Blue Head On

We’ve all seen those Keep Calm & Carry On, Stay Strong, even Dance On posters but at Apportis, our core is to keep calm by keeping our Blue Head on. I know some of you are asking what a blue head means so here you go: a “Blue Head” is an optimal state in which you are on task & performing to your best ability. The other fun fact is blue also represents trust, loyalty, sincerity, confidence and stability which is where Apportis is mirroring those values as well.

There is so much uncertainty to life, especially with our current COVID-19 epidemic. We’re all trying to keep our lives as optimal as possible but whatBlue-Head does an optimal life mean? Stress and difficulties will always be there, and they can be very overwhelming, so striving for a healthy balance of both mental & physical health will keep you focused to the path of living your best life.

At Apportis, we have designed our software platform to make it very easy to get help now but once that has been done successfully, we have a “what next” plan in store.

We believe in the power of resources. You are not alone on the path to discovering what exactly is next in your life after you’ve gotten help. With life coaching, family support forums, a library of resources, message boards, and simple best practices just to name a few, we support you with the tools so you can continue to get back to your best self and maybe even help someone else do so!

We wish we didn’t have to live with problems, but that is life, so we focus on how you find meaning and purpose with your experiences. We conclude with our version of an optimal life; it’s giving you the confidence to achieve a healthy balanced lifestyle where your goals & desires can be met. Be confident you will know what to do & where to go when that need for help arises. Apportis wants you to live your best life, and we’re here to help now!



Be An Amazing Partner Sticking to Apportis’ Company Values In Unprecedented Times

At Apportis we are a telemedicine company based out of Dublin, Ohio and firmly on the front lines of the battle versus evil of the opioid addiction epidemic, mental health & suicide prevention for our high school / college students, veterans / first responders and those caught up in the cruel sex trafficking world.  We do so with a customized solution available 24/7 using your cell phone and confidentially connecting those in that moment of need to the help they need . . . NOW.   We have inspiring leadership with our company founder and an awesome team daily trying to live out our core values.  One of which is . . . Be An Amazing Partner.

a·maz·ing     /əˈmāziNG/     adjective     causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.

part·ner       /ˈpärtnər/         noun     either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity.
                                              verb       be the partner of working toward common goal
We have a true team at Apportis all bringing different skill sets to the table and pulling and lifting each other up pursing a common goal to make a big dent in serving others by saving lives and encouraging families on this journey called life filled with challenges.  I am consistently surprised at the willingness of our Apportis team to leave the ego’s at the door and do anything and everything to engage together.
My co-workers at Apportis model what it means to Be An Amazing Partner by doing the opposite of W I I F M.  You have heard of What’s in it for Me?  well of course you have.  Many of us have in previous work or on sports teams been exposed to these types of team members and co-workers.  Selfishly focusing on work and actions that only advances their career or puts them in position to hit personal goals.   Instead of a focus on ME attitude our team consistently chooses a WE are in this together attitude and getting one step closer to reaching common goals.
Our focus on Be An Amazing Partner also extends to the consultants,  state agencies, community partners and companies that we work with to help others have access to and be aware of our solution that will save lives in Ohio and beyond!  We simply want to encourage you in that moment of need to get the help you need and do it NOW!  Talk about a win/win/win  that leads to us helping our partners reaching their goals too and saving lives on the way.  How can you model being an amazing partner for your family, friends, sports teams and in the work place?

Lead With The Heart …

It is easy enough to be pleasant,

When life flows by like a song,

But the man worth while is one who will smile,

When everything goes dead wrong.

For the test of the heart is trouble,

And it always comes with the years,

And the smile that is worth the praises of earth

Is the smile that shines through tears.


It is easy enough to be prudent,

When nothing tempts you to stray,

When without or within no voice of sin

Is luring your soul away;

But it’s only a negative virtue

Until it is tried by fire,

And the life that is worth the honor of earth

Is the one that resists desire.


By the cynic, the sad, the fallen,

Who had no strength for the strife,

The world’s highway is cumbered to-day;

They make up the sum of life.

But the virtue that conquers passion,

And the sorrow that hides in a smile,

It is these that are worth the homage on earth

For we find them but once in a while.


The above words were written by Ella Wheeler Wilcox in her poem “Worth While”.  It addresses being a caring human being despite troubles and strife; showing interest and caring about others.

We care about the well being of others, not just who our solution will help serve, but also for those who work here at Apportis.  We work with and for each other in the best and hardest of times.  Some days are easier than others and there are days that get busy and chaotic, but even in the most challenging of times we know that our coworkers will help each other even when they have challenges of their own.  By working together toward a shared goal and supporting each other through the journey, we can accomplish more.  We listen, we show interest, and we communicate.

In these trying times during the global COVID-19 pandemic, people are struggling.  Many are out of work and isolated.  People are dying.  If we remember to help each other, smile despite strife, and have the moral compass to do what is right, we can pull through.  The world will be different on the other side, but through good work it can be better.

To quote Ella Wheeler Wilcox again, with her famous words from “Solitude”: “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.”  Alone, we fail, but together, working compassionately together, we can accomplish much.


Be Here Now Sticking to Apportis’ Company Values In Unprecedented Times

Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation across the world. The global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of our communities, loved ones, businesses, and how we typically operate. At Apportis we stand firm in believing and bringing to action a set of core values to not only demonstrate from a 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday job. But in all of our lives, even during the hard times that we face. It is important to remember during these unexpected and trying circumstances, to “Be Here Now”. If somebody were to tell you: “Be Here Now!”, how would you respond? What does that mean?

This isn’t me asking this question in a “mindfulness meditation” kind of way. Though, mindfulness is a great way to slow down your constant thoughts and pay more intimate attention to what’s going on in the world around you. For anyone who uses their phone as their personal assistant for completing tasks such as scheduling a meeting with your family doctor, to capturing everything from delicious desserts, to indescribable sunsets as your own “professional” photographer. It’s important to put that thing down from time to time and enjoy the moment! Now that doesn’t mean that at Apportis we discourage the use of our mobile devices. I personally believe that this meaning replicates a common phrase from a book, with a similar title to our core value, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass.

Be here in the present moment; NOW, this moment, is all you have and all you´ve ever had.”

Through our experiences at Apportis we can apply, “Be Here Now” to the current time and situation that we are living in . We will demonstrate this by evaluating the path our company has taken to get to where we are now and to align our solutions with immediacy to the problems stemmed from this pandemic. We believe these values will be what keep us focused and get our team, and our partners through this trying time.Be-Here-Now-1

Sweep the Shed

As our nation and the world have come to grips with the COVID-19 pandemic, Apportis is no different from other companies trying to adapt to the changing workplace. As a telemedicine company, there is a certain element of excitement and validation as government leaders call for  virtual appointments to keep our citizens safe. That being said, it is still important to stay grounded in these new and challenging times. As a team, one way we have done this is to reflect on Apportis’ Core Values.

One of our values that has stood out and helped me individually is ‘Sweep the Shed.’ sweep-the-shedThis phrase is a mentality, and refers to the concept that no one is above the little things. To my knowledge, this phrase was made popular by the national rugby team of New Zealand. The “All Blacks” are perennially the most dominant team in international rugby, however they refuse to allow anyone to clean up their locker room after them.  This demonstrates the mentality of what it means to be apart of that team – even the best player in world isn’t above picking up after himself.

To some outside the sporting culture this may sound peculiar, but it applies to any team environment, including the business world. In the literal sense every employee does their part to keep the office tidy, even the CEO! But what makes ‘Sweep the Shed’ a core value of Apportis is what it signifies; that everyone is in this together. That there is no stratification, and when a task needs to be completed everyone on the team is responsible. So next time you see an Apportis team member, remind them to Sweep the Shed!